
Monday, March 26, 2012


As the semester is coming to a close be thinking of some ways you can work along side your Arnold Air Society to have fun socials, or complete a few more service projects! It is important to finish the semester strong, or if you've had some difficulty with Joint Relations to try something new! Here are a few ideas that you could bounce around at your next chapter meeting:

Social Ideas:
  • Pool party! - Who doesn't love the pool? Find an AAS/SW with access to a pool at their apt. complex and have everyone come after class on a Friday afternoon! Once everyone gets hungry grill out! Have people sign up to bring buns, meat, condiments, drinks, dessert, etc. OR if you have chapter funds purchase some of these things! Another way you can do this is to say BYOM (Bring Your Own Meat)! This way people can bring hotdogs, steak, burgers, etc. And everyone is happy :) 
  • Slip n' Slide - If you have a flat space in front of your detachment (which they will let you use), or at a park, or anywhere with hose access this is simple, fun way to spend time getting to know your AAS/SW better! Especially now that the weather is so nice!
  • Potluck! - Pick a place to host this (the det, someone's apt, rent a room in your student center, etc), and then have everyone bring their favorite dish! Casseroles, desserts, meats, sides, everything at a potluck is delicious! Make sure to plan something fun to do after you finish eating! You could have everyone bring a plain t-shirt and tie-dye them, or have a super large hide & seek game, the possibilities are endless!
  • Scavenger Hunt! - This one takes a little more planning, but if done right can be fun! Have someone come up with clues and split up into teams that are mixed with both AAS and SW (that way there is more bonding and getting to know people)! It can be really fun if done around campus, and maybe end at the detachment so that you can all eat dinner together! I would suggest just ordering pizza and maybe setting up an Ice Cream bar! Yummmmmy!!! 
Service Project Ideas:
  • Nursing Home - Go to a local nursing home around lunch or dinner time and simply sit and chat with the people there! This can be easy to set up, and only takes about an hour of your time. The residents at the Nursing Home will really appreciate it, and you are likely to get some awesome stories out of it! Make sure to invite AAS and consider it a joint event! Afterwards, make sure AAS/SW do something together, frozen yogurt anyone? :)
  • Humane Society - Often people forget animals need help too! Spend a few hours volunteering at a local humane shelter. Walk the dogs, play with the cats, and if you can have each person who attends bring something to donate (cat food, dog food, old towels, etc.), you can usually ask the shelter what they are in need of! This is something simple that makes for a great service activity!
Whatever you decide to do at the end of the semester finish strong! Make sure that officers for next year are aware of their jobs and have met their counterparts in AAS! Have an end of the year party where you invite AAS! Pizza and Ice Cream is always a simple way to go! Or for those of you with smaller chapters, just get everyone together and go out to eat! SW/AAS relationships are very important and often a SW chapter will not run as smoothly or be as fun without a participating AAS! Be sure to take the time to get to know AAS at your detachment! 

If you are having joint relation problems do not hesitate to contact the Region V Staff so that we can work to get this problem fixed! :)

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